Further Light Investigation and Experimentation

I continued to investigate the impact of light on fabrics as well as different colours and the tones of light, textures, and effects that they would produce.


Another experiment that I decided to delve into was the effect strong lighting had on foliage and parts of nature and the sorts of dynamic shadows and moods it would create.


Lastly, I looked into the way light travels through solid colours. For this experiment, I coloured in different panels on a strip of paper. I would project strong light through these panels onto a solid white surface to examine the sort of effect it would create.

Light green and yellow tones of light
Calming, blue and purple tones
Warmer light with a slight hint of magenta
Magenta tones of light
A light mix of tones


The video below conveys the possible change in light that could be used within my site intervention. The motion of the strip and small individual colours quickly changes the mood and sensation of the small space. Possibly blue and orange could be used in the final structure to create a sense of time change and contrast if it was to alternate between the two.

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