Week 1, Class .1 (Deliverables)

Below is a set of images showing the different levels of light in the room throughout the day, It is clear that the light is quite strong toward the early evening due to the orientation of the building and fabric used.

The following image shows the strong reflection produced by the curtains as the light hits the window. I could imagine a range of materials possibly being used within the space to create interesting or meaningful reflections. The same could be applied as light protrudes through the curtain itself as it would have some diverse effect on the natural light entering the room, this effectively would change the tone and temperature of the interior space.


Here I have documented the sound produced when opening and closing my curtains, this is a sound that I so often hear but rarely notice. I have also documented a sensory illustration as a response to the sound.

Below, is the sensory response to the sound that is produced when opening and closing my curtains. I found that the sound had multiple levels of interest, hence the different mediums. The paint represents a transition in multiple forms. The transition of exterior sound as the curtain was pulled away and the general feeling of movement created by the sound.   img_1210.jpg

The following stop-motion depicts the change in light levels as the curtains are closed. When the video is slowed, it is easier to notice the slight change in light as they are closed gradually. I personally noticed that the light projected onto the walls through the material was a warmer tone.

A textured painting, showing a basic effect which the filtered light has on the walls img_1215.jpg

Below is a quick and simple painting showing the light being projected through the open curtains into the room.

Perspective imagery produced recorded just after sunset, the first image below is an observational drawing of the interior space completed with curtains open, whilst the second image is one completed with the curtains closed.



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